Dr. Ming Wang talks at 917 Society Founders Club Dinner with Senator Mark Green

Date: 2020-01-24 19:00 - 19:15

Venue: Historic Tulip Grove Mansion at the Hermitage

The movie “God’s not dead” featured a character inspired by the real life story of Dr. Ming Wang, a Harvard and MIT graduate (MD, magna cum laude) and one of the few cataract and LASIK surgeons in the world today who holds a doctorate degree in laser physics. Dr. Wang will present a talk entitled "From darkness to sight: God’s not dead - faith and science: friends or foes?” As a teenager, Ming fought valiantly to escape one of history’s darkest eras – China’s Cultural Revolution – during which millions of innocent youth were deported to remote areas to face a life sentence of poverty and hard labor. Through his own tenacity and his parents’ tireless efforts to provide a chance of freedom for their son, Ming eventually made his way to America with $50 in his pocket and an American dream in his heart, where against all odds he would earn a PhD in laser physics and graduate magna cum laude with the highest honors from Harvard Medical School and MIT. He embraced his Christian faith and tackled one of the most important questions of our time – Are faith and science friends or foes? – which led to his invention of a breakthrough biotechnology to restore sight.


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All Dates

  • 2020-01-24 19:00 - 19:15

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